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Be the Most Efficient at Work


My workday starts promptly at 8am after bringing my son to the bus for school. I get my coffee or tea, turn my walking pad on, start walking, get on the computer, and begin work!

One of my first tasks of each day is to catch up on emails and chats from the night before. That task can take anywhere between 15 mins to 1 hour, but once that's done, I'll get started on my tasks set for the day.

I prepare for each week, the Friday before. I have a template of tasks for a whole work week, but those tasks change week to week. For example, I host new BCBA training once a month and each training day has its own set of tasks. I'll remove tasks that aren't needed or add tasks that are needed based on what is occurring in my schedule for that week.

In addition to the weekly template, I also have a monthly template that reminds me of things that don't occur week to week or on particular schedule. Items in my monthly template include birthdays, anniversaries, holiday dates, training start dates, date reminder for other things.

I may have a slight obsession with checkboxes, but if you're like me, you probably love them too! My love for checkboxes is likely because of the instant satisfaction of checking a task off!

This is just a small introduction to my work planning and while it may seem complex, it honestly helps save time and energy. It also ensures that no tasks are ever missed or forgotten.

Everything that I've shared above ties to organization skills, time-management, self-management, and some project management. If you're interested in chatting more about these skills to help organize your work week, feel free to email me at!


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